Karen Presley's Blog | Inspirational Teaching

Unload Your Backpack

Monday, November 16, 2015 • • Emotional Needs
As we approach the end of the year, we also approach the time that we get busy with holiday, shopping and family gatherings.  For some of us, we look back over the year and say, "where did it go?" 
Unload Your Backpack

As we approach the end of the year, we also approach the time that we get busy with holiday, shopping and family gatherings.  For some of us, we look back over the year and say, "where did it go?"  "Did I do what I said I was going to do or accomplish?"  One more year goes by and we still have that dream locked up on the inside of us waiting to come forward.  Some of us have made some movement, but not really making momentum in the realm of the spirit.

Let me encourage you with this blog about what it means to unload the "backpack."  Whether you are giving birth to a new dream that's on the inside of you, or expanding your business, or launching out into a new venture in your life; it will always require making adjustments.  Because of the type of business I operate, I have the privilege of meeting so many dream carriers that are in transition and launching into new endeavors; but sometimes it never gets off the ground because of the "backpack."   I'm also a coach and teach business workshops, so I can hear and see what's on the inside of a person and also some of the hindrances they face.

Our schedules in this generation are sooooo busy; however, some of us are trying to hold onto obligations of last season while we try to embark on this new season.  That is where the frustration comes in.  We don't know how to let go of things temporarily in order to give birth.  Let me explain:  When a woman is pregnant, so begins to make adjustments in her life.  Some of these adjustments are immediately and some takes place as the baby grows in the trimester.

The adjustment that we must make will consist of unloading our "backpack."  What is the "backpack" and what's in it, you may ask?   The "backpack" is the bag in our soul that carries the emotional and mental cares that we have picked up along our journey.  The majority of times we don't know how much is on us, because we live in a place called, "familiar" and "comfortable."  Therefore, as long as everything is familiar and comfortable we are able to handle the "backpack."  We know how to maneuver in this place called familiar; however, when God begins to shift us into this uncomfortable place called "trust" and "new territory," we find ourselves trying to maneuver in this new place with old behaviors.  That is when the "backpack" gets heavier.  That same weight you could carry in the last season becomes a stumbling block in the new season.

Unloading the "backpack" means beginning to confront areas that are "weights" in your life.  For example, some of us deal with being:  unorganized, procrastinations, fearful, intimidated, people pleaser, don't know how to say no, self-rejection and rejection, insecurities, fear of failure, disappointments, fear of the unknown, self-pity, pride and negativity; just to name a few.  Remember, because we live in a place called "familiar" these same weights we knew how to carry and keep doing what we do.  But this is the season to confront the "weights," and de-clutter our lives.  We must de-clutter our lives spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically; in order to possess the next thing that God wants you to launch into.

Luke 5:4b says, "…Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught."  The reward is not in the shallow waters of entrepreneurship, but when you are willing to take the risk and launch out into the deep waters of entrepreneurship and obedience that will bring about outwardly, what you can already see inwardly.

Let me introduce to you a program I created called, "Metamorphosis 1 Year Coaching Program."  This program is about accountability among other things.  What I have noticed over the last 5 or 6 years of teaching these workshops is that although we take them and we hear great word; we also need that monthly accountability and someone to challenge us and push us to keep making momentum in the spirit so we don't fall back into our routines.  This is how we will see the fullness of what's in us and not just the little bit we are doing.

Click HERE to see details of the program.    Also click HERE to hear this recording on BlogTalkRadio as I go further into how to unload the "backpacks" in our lives.

A great resource for helping you to unload the "backpacks" is my book: - It's Time 2 Unmask the Real You - interactive workbook with a healing coach.  This book gets great reviews in people's healing process.  Click HERE for this resource.