Karen Presley's Blog | Inspirational Teaching

What Kind of Weapon Are You?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011 • Karen Presley • Spiritual Warfare
When I think of the word weapon, I think of something that has the ability to damage and/or kill. Military, police officers, high end government officials,...
secret service officers all use weapons to protect and to engage in war when necessary.  Drug dealers, thieves, robbers and gangs also use weapons for destruction and violence.

Weapons have been around for a long time, even in the Bible days, they used jabbers, swords, knives, bow and arrows, etc. Weapons are also used to hunt their prey, to provide food for us when we go to the store to purchase. So as you see, one word "weapon" can be used in so many different manners.

2 Corinthians 10:3 tells us that although we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh. That means as a Believer, we are not to handle our problems and things that come up in our lives, the same way the world handles their problems. Vs 4 tells us that the weapons of our warfare are NOT carnal. That means, the weapons of our conflict are not physical. They are not the same physical weapons that we've talked about earlier, which are the one people use in the world.

If you are a believer, God has given us other weapons that we are to use to engage in war. I'm sure if you are like me, you can't even fathom how God's weapon could compare to the weapons in the world; but let's look at several scriptures to see that what God has given us is far powerful and more effective to destroy the works of the enemy.

Ephesians 6:17 - says we are to take the sword of the spirit, which is the Word of God. The Word is symbolized as a sword. The same sword that was used in the Old Testament to destroy nations, is now available to us. The power that's in the Word is the fuel behind every weapon.

A sword is used to cut and thrust. Cut means to pierce sharply as to hurt, severe, divide into parts and thrust means to push with sudden force, to stab and impose. The Word of God is more than words on a piece of paper bound in a book. The Word of God, when put in your heart is a powerful weapon that has the ability to damage anything in your way.

That Word that God has given us is the same Word that He spoke the world into existence, which is still being upheld by the Word. (Heb 1:3) The Word of God is the source of your power. No word is indicative of beating the air or shooting blanks. Have you ever been in a fight and your arms were swinging, you were exerting a lot of energy and you were getting tired but wasn't hitting anything? That is what it feels like when we are engaged in war over the enemy and we have no word on the inside of us; or we can quote the scripture but don't believe the scripture.

The Word is the foundation of everything we do and it's the fuel behind every weapon.