Karen Presley's Blog | Inspirational Teaching

Setting Goals For Your Life and Business

Wednesday, May 25, 2011 • Karen Presley • Spiritual Maturity
Proverbs 29:18 - "Where there is no vision, the people perish…" You will only live out to the degree you see yourself and your business and/or ministry.
 Having a vision for your life, business and ministry will cause you to persist against the odds and keep you focus throughout your journey.

Once you get the vision for the direction you want to take your life and/or business, ministry; then it's time to set goals so you can obtain the vision. Goal setting is a powerful brainstorming process of thinking about the ideals for your future and it motivates you to turn the vision into your reality.

Q: Have you ever felt like it was more inside of you than what you are doing right now? Or do you find yourself starting one thing just to stop and take up another? A lot of times, we can feel like we're in a drift or a rut because we don't take the time to think or brainstorm about what we want; therefore making no goals for ourselves. We pray, but we never sit still enough to hear the direction from the Lord concerning our life and/or business.

Psalm 16:11 says, "Thou wilt shew me the path of life; in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore." And Psalm 25:4 says, "Shew me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths."

As we discipline ourselves to sit still before the Lord, He will begin to reveal His purpose, plans, direction and secrets to us pertaining our lives as well as the direction of your business and ministry. Allow me to go through a few tips on setting goals and keeping them.

Goals are a list of things you want to achieve in a set time to bring about the desired vision. Let's Begin:

1. To take at least 5-10 minutes a day to BRAINSTORM on what you would like to achieve in your business, ministry and for your personal life. Ask the Lord for His direction and begin to let your mind ponder and visualize.

2. Write down what you see and what you hear. They may be big targets; but that's OK because those targets must be broken down to smaller obtainable targets.

3. Make sure when you word your targets, they are positive statements and not negative ones. Exp: Be a good parent… vs… Don't be a bad parent. See the difference, you want to remain positive and open with your goals.

4. Prioritize your goals according to the importance. Ask yourself, what is the most urgent thing on your list you want to see come to pass. Mind you, I didn't say, "what's the most attainable." You don't want to limit yourself or let your fears get in the way of your desires.

5. Write it all down. No goal is too silly to write down. This list is between you and your Heavenly Father. Hab 3 says, "…write the vision and make it plain, so he that readeth it can run with it…" So write it down, having it in your head/mind isn't going to work.

6. Be precise. Give the date you want to accomplish it, time, amount etc., so you can measure your progress. Then you will truly find satisfaction as you begin to reach them one by one. Also it will allow you to regain focus if you find yourself slipping.

7. Keep day-to-day goals small and realistic. You don't want to frustrate yourself and quit. Ultimately, you are working toward reaching the greater vision.

As I close, be reminded that goals should be related to performance and not the outcome. The reason why is because your performance in how you begin to make the changes and necessary adjustments in your life, business/ministry will far outlast the initial outcome.

Keep tweaking your goals until you reach your desired vision. Applaud yourself along the way when you obtain the goals you are setting; this always motivates you to do more. If you find the goal was too easy; make it harder the next time and if you find the goal was too hard; then make it a little easier next time.
Finally, I will end with this statement… The level of your achievement will be in direct alignment with your level of commitment. Stay focus and watch the doors open that only God can open because of your diligence.

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