Karen Presley's Blog | Inspirational Teaching

God's Healing Power is Still Flowing

Wednesday, June 15, 2011 • Karen Presley • Healing
Jesus came to set the captives free. There was a lady with an issue of blood for twelve years and had suffered many things from many physicians.
She spent all her money and she was none the better but rather grew worse. (Mark 5:25-34) As it was in the Bible days, so it is still today.

We too have been in situations where we go from doctor to doctor hoping for answers and to get better. Sometimes our bodies are NOT responding to the treatment they give us. I've heard people say they felt like the doctor was experimenting with them. Yes, God can use doctors, but ultimately God is our Healer (Jehovah Rapha) and there is where our trust must lie. God is still in the healing business; and yes God is still performing miracles with signs and wonders. Doctors can't explain it, because God is confounding the wise.

Be blessed by this testimony:
I've been bleeding for over 3 months off and on, but more so on than off. The bleed was very heavy including clotting and I'd become anemic and had lost almost half of the blood in my body that a normal human is supposed to have.

I tired two (2) different birth control pills, nothing worked. My last result with my GYN was the Lupron Shot, said to stop the bleeding for 3 months. It never happened…I kept bleeding. I came into Karen's shop on Monday, May 16, 2011 to fax some documents. I discussed my bleeding issues with her briefly. She asked if she could pray with me.

She laid both hands on me, my forehead and my lower abdomen and began to pray…then she put both hands on my lower stomach where the 3 tumors are located. She prayed that God would restore my body to the original way it was when He created me, to shrink the tumors until they are no more. When she said that, I felt a hot flush within my body in my abdomen area where her hands were.

Later that day once I returned home from running my errands, I went to change my personals and it was clean. I had 3 pads on that day and not one of them had a spot of blood. They were all clean. Today is June 10th, my period is still off. -- Jennifer D.