Karen Presley's Blog | Inspirational Teaching

Planting in the Soil Called TODAY

Friday, December 16, 2011 • Karen Presley • Relationships
Can you believe it is now December? Where did the time go? We are about to embark into the year 2012...
Did you accomplish the goals that you set out to accomplish in the early part of this year? Did you stay focus on your task? Did everything happen the way you thought it should have? Maybe there were some unforeseen setbacks that occurred and you did not know how to press pass them.

Well I am here to tell you that we serve a God who gives us a hope and a future and He still has purpose for you and me. Your purpose is not going to come alive by coincidence; we must make choices daily that will bring about a different harvest in our lives.
Galatians 6:7, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."

A lot of time we look at this scripture for just money; but God says, "Whatsoever we soweth." That means when we sow seeds toward spiritual, relational, emotional, physical and financial, we shall reap in these areas as well. "Eth" means continually. That means the seeds we continually sow toward our marriage, relationships, physical health and spiritual discipline; will cause us to reap a harvest in our tomorrow.
Many people have a wishing mentality. We desire, we want but without action it leaves us still in despair. We hold onto our seed, because of fear, procrastination or we do not know what seed looks like. When you realize that your soil = "TODAY", then every aspect in your life becomes a "SEED."
Why do we not accomplish our task? One of the reasons is because we have not found value in our "TODAY," but we are still waiting on "ONE DAY." This is the day that the Lord has made, I will, I decide, I choose to rejoice and be glad in it. When you realize that every day is God giving you that day to plant seed, it will begin to change your tomorrow in every area of your life. Another reason is because we get stuck in the achievements, failures and negativity of our yesterday that we cannot get past.
Because of the redemptive life of Jesus, we always have a hope and a future beyond our past experiences. As we come to the end of the year, you may have to deal with unresolved issues, leave your past behind, appropriate forgiveness where needed, and close some chapters; so the New Year can bring or release a new future. What we plant today will determine what we harvest tomorrow.

TODAY is the soil you plant in; but TODAY is also the bridge between your past and the future we talk about.
Listen to my next broadcast as we go further in detail on this topic, Friday, December 16, 2011 at 8:30am. Http://